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- Short: GUI for Visage to copy/delete/move/uuencode...
- Author: Andy_MtN@gmx.net (Andreas `Andy` Krauss)
- Uploader: Andy_MtN@gmx.net
- Version: 0.97ßeta1 (01.05.98)
- Type: gfx/show
- Distribution: E-MailWare
- Replaces: gfx/show/VisageCtrl.lha
- What it is :
- Visage-Control is a enhancement for VISAGE [E] Command and allows you to :
- - Copy pic to/as
- - Move & Rename pic to/as
- - Delete pic
- - Reload pic with another DisplayID
- - Launch extern programs. e.g. Photogenics
- - UU-Encode pic
- - View and change pics Filenote
- - Any suggestions ?
- System Requirements (I`m sure you already have most of them) :
- - Amiga OS V3.x+ (V39.106+) (Amiga-Dealer)
- - Running Rexxmast (Yep coded? in Rexx) (Amiga Workbench)
- - Visage Package (Aminet:gfx/show/Visage#?.lha)
- - at least one picture :-) (Your HD?)
- - rexxreqtools.library (Aminet:util/rexx/RexxReqtools#?.lha)
- - rexxtricks.library (V38.6+) (Aminet:util/rexx/RexxTricks_#?.lha)
- - tritonrexx.library (V37.7+) (Aminet:dev/gui/tri#?usr.lha)
- *! - rexxsupport.library (Amiga Workbench)
- - triton.library (Aminet:util/rexx/TritonRexx#?.lha)
- - Copy (Amiga Workbench)
- - Delete (Amiga Workbench)
- - Kill (part of Visage) (Aminet:gfx/show/Visage#?.lha)
- *! = Sometimes needed since Version V0.95ß+
- ===========================
- How 2 Install (!!! New since V0.96 !!!) :
- ===========================
- Edit your envarc:VisageOpts and add/replace the following command
- (Prog. must be in an accessable path (e.g. C:)
- or put a Path infront (eg. CMD="Work:tools/VCtrl")
- ---------------------Cut-Here----------------------------------
- TOFRONT CMD="VCtrl [] VN='Visage_Dos_Name'"
- ---------------------Cut-Here----------------------------------
- `Visage_Dos_Name` is the name you started Visage as.
- for example you renamed Visage to ViS, you should add :
- -----------Example-------------
- TOFRONT CMD="c:VCtrl [] VN=ViS"
- -----------Example-------------
- -> OR you installed Visage as Visage : <-
- -----------Example----------------
- TOFRONT CMD="c:VCtrl [] VN=Visage"
- -----------Example----------------
- ... to the end of your VisageOpts-Config file.
- eg. it could look like :
- -------------Example------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------Example------------------------------------------------------------------------
- >Don`t forget so save your changes (to envarc: & env:) <
- Usage :
- - Watch a pic with VISAGE
- - Hit the `E` Key ( between `W` & `R` :-) )
- - Visage-Ctrl should now Popup (really)
- - Choose an option via Mouse,Keys or Pull-Down-Menu (should be easy to understand)
- Gui :
- You can use Triton(prefs) to change the looking of the GUI and Screenmode
- Note :
- As you can see we`re on V0.97 and there could ofcoz some bugs ..
- so please report them .. (Is Robert really the only one using thiz ?)
- E-MAIL : Andy_MtN@gmx.net
- History :
- V.91ß : -1. Release
- V.92ß : -Bug in UU-Encode option removed (Thx 2 me 4 reporting)
- V.93ß : -Some minor Code-Cleanups (not released)
- V.94ß : -VCtrl-Window couldn`t be opened on small screens -Fixed (Thx 2 Robert Taje)
- V.95ß : -Bug in Filenote-Command removed
- -Visage-Ctrl should now really auto-Pop-Up. (Thx 2 R. Taje)
- R N -Added Requester to Delete-Command (requested by R. Taje)
- e O -Amiga-OS has Probs with `Illegal` Chars like ()><[]`?#*|" (Thx 2 R. Taje)
- L T so the only way to handle Filename`s with chars like that
- e is to rename them at the moment. (suggestions welcome !)
- A -Internal Beta detected always Illegal chars - blame on me
- s -Launch extern Prg could now also start A-Rexx Progs with
- E suffix #?.rexx (Requested by R. Taje)
- D -Added Task-Argument, now Visage can be renamed as you like.
- -Some minor Code-Cleanups
- V.96ß1: -Probs with spaces in filename -Fixed (Thx 2 R. Taje)
- ß2: -Visage-Screen 2 front won`t work if ya renamed Visage (Thx 2 me 4 reporting)
- ß2: -Added litte Debugging window if probs occurre. (Thx 2 me 4 reporting)
- V.97ß1: -forgot Tilde '~' as Illegal Filename -added (Thx 2 me 4 reporting)
- -If Source & Destination = Equal => File deleted -Fixed (Thx 2 me 4 reporting)
- -Problem with underscore '_' in Filenote-Display -Fixed (Thx 2 me 4 reporting)
- =================================================================================
- Big Thanx must go to : Robert Taje for Bug-Reports/Beta-Testing and suggestions
- =================================================================================
- _ _ ___ ________ ___ ___
- / \/ \ / \__ __\_> / \ / \
- / \/ \\/ | \\/ .\/ .\/ | \\/ | \\
- ::/ || \\ | \\ \\ \\ | \\ | \\::
- ::\ __||___/______/___/___/______/__|__ /::
- ===\|==============================[B]|/===
- Visage-Control V0.97beta1 (01.05.98)
- All work done by Andy/MtN
- --------------------------------------------------EOT-------------------------------------
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 2420 2099 13.2% 01-May-98 18:09:56 +IFcheck
- 91 78 14.2% 01-May-98 18:11:28 +IFcheck.doc
- 328 172 47.5% 01-May-98 18:13:56 File_Id.Diz
- 6100 5837 4.3% 01-May-98 00:00:00 VCtrl
- 5741 2214 61.4% 01-May-98 11:41:26 VisageCtrl.readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 14680 10400 29.1% 01-May-98 19:10:18 5 files